What we achieve
As flash floods are particularly typical of the Mediterranean basin, the search for solutions on a Mediterranean scale, from a transnational perspective, seems to be the best way to tackle them. The Integrated Multi-Stakeholder Governance Model developed by the consortium aims to meet the needs of small catchment areas, which are sometimes more neglected when it comes to flash floods, with solutions that are adapted to their geographical characteristics. These solutions take into account all the factors involved in flood management in the short, medium and long term, as well as the perspectives of local stakeholders.
The catalogue of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) flood risk management is applicable to four distinct topographic areas: urban, industrial, natural/rural and coastal. The goal is to provide a toolbox for decision-makers and practitioners seeking effective and sustainable solutions to mitigate flash floods.
D.1.4.1_Catalogue of the mitigation solutions available in the topographical areas
D.1.4.1_ANNEX I_NBS initiatives